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Great news from John Gruber. Via a meeting with Apple. Apple is currently hard at work on a completely rethought Mac Pro, with a modular design that can accommodate high-end CPU. S and big honking hot-running GPU. S, and which should make it easier for Apple to update with new components on a regular basis. I look forward to what the new Mac Pros.
Since 1997, the NewtonTalk mailing list has been providing a forum dedicated to the discussion, support, and enjoyment of the Apple Newton. To subscribe to the mailing list or update your current subscription settings, refer to the subscription information. For additional information on the Newton, we recommend these fine sites. United Network of Newton Archives.
The new home of various Newton-related tools, hosted by UNNA. Database of Newton software in UNNA. WikiWikiNewt, a WikiWiki dedicated to Newton information. Package NES ROMs for use with Newtendo.
The United Network of Newton Archives keeps the largest single repository of Newton-related programs, files, and documentaion anywhere. The entire archive is mirrored on five servers across the planet for redundancy and to provide fast access for people around the world. This site graciously hosted by the good people at DillerNet.
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Victor Rehorst
Victor Rehorst
60 Tallships Dr
Whitby, ON, L1N 9X7
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